Anna-Marie Gallares

I am Anna-Marie Gallares, a versatile artist fueled by a passion for creativity and an unyielding curiosity for various art forms. While I identify as an acrylic painter, my artistic process is fluid and adaptive. When approaching a new piece, I draw upon my skill set to determine the best medium to convey the message effectively. The creative choices I make during this process lend a multidisciplinary essence to my work, allowing me to present narratives that resonate deeply with my audience.

Central to my artistic philosophy is the belief in the power of storytelling as a means of empowerment and understanding. I draw inspiration from my personal journey as a first-generation immigrant, hailing from the Philippines and now rooted in the UK. My recent work, 'A Year In My Life,' is a testament to this sentiment. This tapestry, measuring 4.5ft by 18ft, painted together the sentimental moments of my first year in the UK through the lens of my 7-year-old child’s self in the form of memories. The tapestry is adorned with patterns inspired by traditional Filipino indigenous tattoos and elements extracted from my childhood photographs.

'A Year In My Life' is an intimate reflection on my experience adapting to British society as a young immigrant. In response, I will explore the complexities of my reconnection with my Filipino roots during a visit to the Philippines as an adult through the residency. I aim to highlight the intricate interplay of cultural identity and acceptance that is integral to every first-generation immigrant's life. By sharing my story in this format, I intend to evoke empathy and understanding from a broad audience, shedding light on the universal human experience of finding one's place in the world.

Beyond my studio practice, I am committed to co-creation and collaboration with fellow artists and communities by engaging with community art and youth work.


Jude Warham


Alice Kershaw