Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson is interested in creating art that appropriates, reconfigures, and antagonizes a diverse array of materials, objects, and references to build speculative, anthropological inquiries into history, cultural memory, material culture, and the contradictions embedded within contemporary existence.

He produces exhibitions through re-contextualization, classic production, and the construction of fiction in which audiences circulate. His work typically takes the form of immersive sculptural installations with site-specific and contextual responsiveness. Humor, audience interactivity, and spectacle are recurring methods he employs to explore various subjects.

His work aims to reflect critically upon the conditions that produce it, with a deep interest in the value (or lack thereof) of individual labor, the self-produced, the aspirant, and the detritus with which we remake ourselves. He is interested in how these elements perpetuate broader cycles of taste and violence.



Henna Asikainen