Natasha Thembiso Ruwona

Natasha Thembiso Ruwona is a Scottish-Zimbabwean writer, artist-filmmaker and researcher based between London and Scotland. Using spatial practice and Afrofuturism as guides, her work contemplates place, time and memory as they relate to environmental relationships.

Recent projects include a film commission for Resisting Toxic Climates: Gender, Colonialism, and Environment - a conference with the British Academy and University of Edinburgh, an essay in response to the Scotland + Venice Architecture Biennale, and a film project which premiered at Alchemy Film & Arts Moving Image Festival 2023.

Natasha was previously part of the Disability Arts Online Diverse Critics course and was selected as a finalist for the Michael O’Pray moving-image writing prize in 2023. She was selected as part of the FLAMIN Fellowship 2023-2024 where she's developing a film project A Troubling, Or, A Sonic Refusal. The film is a study of Black sound through the idea of ‘troubling’. A conscious or responsive enactment of a troubling practice serves as a refusal to colonial structures, creating a disruption or a glitch in a system, or an environment. Troubling in this case is defined as constructive instead of a problem, or something to be fixed.

As a curator-programmer-producer, she has worked with organisations including BUZZCUT Festival, Fringe of Colour Films, and Rhubaba Gallery & Studios to deliver public programmes and support artist projects. 

Natasha is holding projects as the Syllabus Coordinator at Wysing Arts Centre, Logistics Coordinator for Decolonising Economics, and Operations Administrator for Kinfolk Network.
Instagram @badgalnt
Soundcloud @badgalnt


Alia Gargum


Kyriaki Goni