Bec Nicholson

Bec is a self taught painter working with oil paint (and, on occasion, sculpture) to create installations concerned with the idea of dreams and the inner self; uncovering what lies just beneath the surface of the everyday. Inspired by nature, history, oneirology, and fantasy; her paintings function as a visual diary of the self.

In her most recent works she paint intuitively and spontaneously from my mind's eye, revealing and concealing with paint what forms appear on the canvas, then sewing individual paintings together to bridge the gap between internal and external realities and creating patchwork quilts of life.

The tangible expression of an intangible reality allows Bec to explore and understand herself as well as the world around her, revealing hidden truths and making magic in the monotony of the day-to-day. Bec’s work is an attempt to revive the ancestral habit of dreaming and telling by hoarding the ephemeral, speaking to how the sharing of oneiric knowledge benefits us all and how this is becoming a lost art. In future Bec want’s to create more large-scale, multifaceted installations including sculptural elements, and use my paintings in a way that’s not just painting-y.

Instagram @pillowfort__


Diane Cobb


Katie Young