Diane Cobb

Diane Cobb’s multi-disciplinary practice spans a variety of materials, often sculptural in form. They are deeply interested in social and political issues, both historical and contemporary. The topics and inspirations for their work vary greatly; even something as small as a spoken word or phrase can inspire a story. Research is a significant component of their practice, often leading them down diverse paths with varied outcomes. Once a concept is chosen, they seek out materials that have a relevant connection to it.

Recently, they have ventured into painting with colored pencils. This current body of work examines pain and the residual marks it leaves behind. Using mark-making as an exploratory tool, their work symbolizes the journey and the aftermath faced by many women struggling to have their pain taken seriously by the medical profession. Their work invites deeper discussion and questioning of these issues, which are both historical and ongoing.

Instagram @by_cobb


Ali Cook


Bec Nicholson