Lisa Sopekan

Lisa's practice is exploratory and process-oriented, questioning which is more meaningful: the physical act of making or the outcome. Using bold color, Lisa crosses the boundaries between painting, sculpture, and textiles. She is passionate about the arts in the context of health, exploring the impact on both the artist as the maker and the audience as the beholder. Recently, the meditative actions of wrapping, binding, hooking, and knotting have become an integral part of her work as they investigate the link between the hands, brain, and well-being.

Using these laboured, rhythmic, and repetitive methods fosters an intimate relationship with the materials, allowing for complete immersion in the process and authentic expression. Although her processes of making are methodical and repetitive, the shapes, forms, and placements of her work are intuitive. She aims to create a playful sense of escapism for the viewer, encouraging them to slow down and take in what is in front of them. Moving forward, Lisa wants to continue to experiment with scale and use of space, developing ideas around soft sculptures and how she can create an interplay between these sculptures and different painting techniques.

Instagram @lisasopekan_artist


Amy D’Cruze


Liberty Hodes